Eyeliner Aftercare
Immediately following eyeliner procedure:
Apply cold pads on treated area for 10-30 minutes. This will help reduce swelling and aids in healing. Do not apply ice directly to treated area. It pulls pigment from the area. If you choose, you may take an over the counter pain reliever to relieve some after procedure discomfort.
You may experience some of these discomforts several days following the procedure:
bruising and/or redness around the area
area may be swollen, sore and/or itchy
For 7 Days Following Application of Permanent cosmetics
7 Days following procedure, apply ointment to area 2-3 times a day. Apply ointment as thick as you would apply chap-stick to your lips. Too much ointment will delay healing.
Keep makeup away from treated areas.
Avoid the sun and tanning beds; they will fade pigment
When showering/bathing, apply a heavy area coating of aftercare ointment to pigmented areas. When done, wipe off the excess, leaving a light coating. do not expose area to full pressure in the shower.
Allow scabbing/flaking to gently come off. DO NOT PICK IT OFF! Rubbing and picking your pigment area during the healing process may remove pigment.
Treat the areas an open wound. Avoid touching or putting anything near the pigment area that can irritate the site.
Wearing a hat, visor, or large sunglasses may be helpful while your permanent cosmetic site is healing.
Keeping the area clean and coated (apply as thin as chapstick)with aftercare ointment is important; however, if you have unusual pain, redness or suspect an infection, please see your doctor.
IMPORTANT! Failure to follow post-treatment instructions may also cause loss of pigment/discoloration. Remember, colors appear brighter and more sharply defined immediately following procedure. Pigment color will appear very dark right after the procedure Touch-up procedures may or may not be necessary. Final results cannot be determined until healing is complete. Touch-up procedures must be made between 8-12 weeks following the procedure. Following instructions is key to your best results.
Try not to judge your eyeliner results for a month!
Full cell turnover is 6-weeks, so color will be at a true state at that time. Epidermal layer will slough off and the color lost will "glow its way back" as you heal.
Remember! Areas that need retouching will be taken care of at your second session. The skin cannon be opened sooner than 6 weeks. Touch-ups are held between 6-10 weeks from initial appointment.
Patience is key in the healing process!